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A visual journey through the saffron town of Kashmir

and Pampore, Jammu and Kashmir

Welcome to Pampore, the saffron town of Kashmir, where nature's splendour and the region’s cultural heritage converge to create captivating sights and experiences throughout the year.

Pampore, located a short distance from Srinagar, is famous for its saffron fields that paint the landscape in hues of purple during the autumn harvest season. With diversity in its landscape throughout the year the region attracts photographers and content creators seeking to capture the essence of Kashmir, and to be known as the saffron town of Kashmir. 

As the calendar turns Pampore transforms from the snowy vistas of winter to the blossoming almond orchards of spring, providing a diverse range of photographic opportunities. Then again the vibrant mustard fields in spring, set against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains and blue skies, create a visual spectacle that beckons the camera happy to capture its beauty. 

Some, like Arbaz Rashid, who lives in Samboora, Pampore, flock to this place with fellow vloggers and content creators to capture images of the Chinar and wild tulips too. “The breathtaking beauty of the place captivates all who come,” stated Rashid. 

Beyond its saffron cultivation, Pampore is home to the historical Parihaspora Pattan site, ancient ruins dating back to the 8th century, adding a layer of historical significance to the town’s allure. 

The town’s proximity to attractions like Dachigam National Park and Dal Lake further enhances its appeal as a hub for exploration and photography. Photographers and content creators visiting Pampore can also capture the experience of the local culture, friendly residents, and moments of daily life, adding authenticity to their visual narratives. 

The busy markets, full of vendors selling saffron and traditional handicrafts, offer a glimpse into the vibrant local community, enriching the overall experience of exploring this hidden gem of Kashmir.

Also Read: Kashmir stares at a saffron sunset

The lead image showcases the scenic beauty of Pampore, Kashmir’s renowned saffron town.

Haroon Rashid and Mohammad Nayeem are multimedia storytellers from Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.