Author: Abhijit Mohanty

her life

COVID-19 assistance helps villagers find a footing

Odisha Livelihood Mission’s financial support has enabled many vulnerable rural families, especially women entrepreneurs, to recover from the economic shock of the pandemic-induced lockdown

her life

Trained tribal youth educate community about coronavirus

To prevent pandemic alienation of tribes, select local tribal youth were equipped with accurate information, so that they could demystify coronavirus myths among their community

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Residential school empowers tribal children through education

For tribes lacking access to education, a residential school functioning in Bhubaneswar exclusively for tribal children, offers education, and equips them with life and career skills

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Dongria Kondhs struggle to sell forest produce during lockdown

As the peak harvest season of minor forest produce coincides with the lockdown period, the tribes of Niyamgiri Hills struggle to sustain their forest-based livelihood

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After lockdown distress, villagers are unwilling to migrate again

Having suffered during the lockdown, villagers do not wish to migrate again to cities for work. This would impact the rural as well as urban economy

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Adivasis in Odisha suffer the most due to malnutrition

Malnourished tribal communities in Odisha have not benefitted from decades-old government schemes aimed at improving health outcomes, mainly due to patchy and apathetic implementation

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Niyamgiri tribe revive wild harvests after Vedanta victory

Judicious use of wild uncultivated foods and revival of indigenous crops are helping the Dongria Kondh tribe of Niyamgiri to boost food security beyond their successful campaign against mining giant Vedanta

her life

Plight of migrant workers needs attention in Himachal Pradesh

Migrant workers, who contribute significantly to infrastructure development in the developed mountain state, need to be provided with better working and living conditions through friendly government policies