Author: Kankana Trivedi

Development Intelligence Unit announces the Data for Policy fellowship
DIU launches its first in-country, Data for Policy fellowship programme for early career researcher and data scientists interested in public policy. The two year-long fellowship will include a monthly stipend of Rs. 60,000.

Survey shows what downtime in rural India is really like
The stereotype of India’s villages is of work and drudgery – but is that all? A new survey shows rural Indians are as obsessed with tech as their urban cousins -- for education, business and entertainment – while kids will play with anything on hand.

Rural India falls prey to processed foods
The lure of processed fast food is not just an urban India problem - rural Indians are finding it increasingly hard to resist readily available junk food as a recent survey from the Development Intelligence Unit shows.

Surprising findings on India’s food habits
A new study by the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU) sheds light on rural India’s eating habits, debunking several myths, like richer people eat a more diverse diet than the poor.