Author: Shashank Deora
Restored wastelands would improve livestock economy
Degraded wastelands have led to a fodder shortage in underdeveloped Barwani district. Involving communities to restore the wastelands will enable them to rear more livestock, thus improving incomes
Women’s collectives need to think beyond livelihoods
Agricultural interventions by women have ensured nutritional security in many parts of rural Odisha. Building further capacity will now help them see themselves as change agents who can tackle societal issues
Irrigation key to fighting poverty in Kandhamal
Groundwater recharge in Kandhamal’s undulating terrain and pumps to lift water are needed to break the nexus between lack of irrigation and poverty in this seriously underdeveloped area of Odisha
Marathwada farmers harvest water in streams, reap rich yields
Farmers in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra that is prone to droughts have made agriculture remunerative by harvesting rainwater in pond-like pockets in streams, leading to groundwater recharge