
Good or bad to call women leaders ‘mahila sarpanch?’
Identifying women leaders by gender – like ‘mahila sarpanch’ – seems a step back, but one development worker sees it as acknowledging the challenges women overcame to become leaders.

Self-help groups effect social change in villages
Freeing themselves from the restraints of veils, rural women have become empowered to make financial contributions to the household and raise their voice for village needs

Marital blessing helps women understand reproductive system
The traditional phulo-phalo blessing that every newly married couple receives seems a materialistic blessing. With a deeper meaning about fertility, it helps women understand reproductive health

Lockdown cash crunch effects organic farming
With the men away, women farmers had no money to buy chemical inputs during the lockdown and shifted to organic farming. They are already reaping the benefits

How rural India showed resilience, synergy during lockdown
Republic Day is an ideal occasion to celebrate rural India’s positive progress. VillageSquare recollects how communities used the lockdown productively, despite difficulties and loss of livelihoods.

Diversified organic farming can transform Marathwada
Smallholder women farmers in the climate-threatened Marathwada region of Maharashtra are ensuring nutritional security and additional income for their families through diversified organic agriculture