
Village life pivots around women. And – at the same time – they are often pushed to sidelines, quietened, ignored. Here we look at how and why that happens, and champion those working to change it. We would also feature LGBTQ individuals and communities who are all too often overlooked in rural India.

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Why we need a gender-sensitive pandemic management

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Mitigatory measures need to recognize the fact that infected women and women caregivers get a differential treatment in villages due to discriminatory and insensitive perspectives

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Increased farm work adversely affects women’s nutrition

Spending more time for agricultural activities besides attending to household needs leave very little time for women to cook proper meals, impacting their nutrient intake

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Where are the women in water governance?

Women contribute equally to livelihood activities involving water. Yet they are absent in the decision-making processes, since only domestic water management is seen as their responsibility

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Marital blessing helps women understand reproductive system

The traditional phulo-phalo blessing that every newly married couple receives seems a materialistic blessing. With a deeper meaning about fertility, it helps women understand reproductive health

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Tribal women reap benefits of collective farming


Switching to modern agricultural practices and coming together as producer groups have helped women farmers have the bargaining power about their produce and earn more

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Cooperative helps rural women gain financial independence

Celebrating International Women’s Day gives members of a rural women’s collective the opportunity to reflect on their improved livelihood and progress with renewed zeal towards financial sustenance

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Centenarian pioneer woman farmer honored with Padma Shri

A hands-on farmer from a young age, unlettered Pappammal has been at equal ease in her farm and in scientific discussions, and a proponent of sustainable and modern farm practices

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Piplantri plants 111 trees for birth of every girl child

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The World Day of Social Justice commemorated on 20 February, is an ideal day to highlight the gender equality that Piplantri ensures, by celebrating the birth of every girl child

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Empowered rural women demonstrate leadership skills


Providing an enabling environment transforms and empowers rural women. Building on their abilities, the women realize their potential to lead and become change makers