
What is good governance? How well can a person or a community access help or push for a needed change? How often are they heard? Village Square shines a light on the people and schemes making the biggest impact or providing the most unique solutions.

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Vagad farmers stage progress marches


Tribal farmers of the Vagad region have been marching through villages to find local solutions to farming and community problems through participation and discussion

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Social audit empowers Odisha’s rural poor

People left out of the government’s welfare programs have been included through a social audit in Odisha’s underdeveloped rural areas, boosting nutrition security among impoverished families

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Villagers face eviction near Panna forest reserve

The residents of Rampura, a small village in the buffer zone of the Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh, have been asked to move. But, they say, with no allocation of alternative land, they have nowhere to go

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Is farmer income support a sustainable solution?

Income support to smallholder farmers is similar to palliative measures like minimum support prices or loan waivers that do not address the problem of an unsustainable population living on a fixed resource base

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Rural India still insensitive to persons with disabilities

In a society steeped in referring people with special needs by their disability, there is a need for concerted efforts to recognize their rights and create inclusivity

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Village women up in arms against alcoholism

Women in rural Karnataka have banded together to demand a prohibition on liquor because they are the receiving end of alcoholism of men that leads invariably to domestic violence and financial hardship

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The travails of India’s forest dwellers

Tribal people who live in and around forests are being continuously pushed beyond the edge of their meager livelihoods and the land where they live, despite laws that are supposed to protect their rights

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Is resettling millions of forest dwellers feasible?

A recent Supreme Court order that will likely lead to the largest ever eviction of forest dwellers in India needs to be seen as a wake-up call for state governments to quickly remedy the situation

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How development excludes India’s tribal people

Failing to understand the tribal world view and imposing the dominant development paradigm on adivasi communities is affecting their identity and well-being