Ground Report

Read the opinion pieces from those at the sharp end of development world – from practitioners in the field to district officers and even ideators creating schemes for the future. Field Journal is the place for civil society groups to share their experiences and insights – their highs and lows – in their journey to put India on the path to progress.

her life

Sustaining a social enterprise during lockdown

A company that makes eco-friendly tableware by roping in marginalised tribal women, uses different funding approaches to sustain their livelihood through the lockdown.

her life

Leveraging climate action to help rural poor

If climate change mitigation uses decentralised, community-centric programs, it could transform the lives of India’s most marginalised rural poor.

her life

Of livelihoods in barren terrains

In remote and barren terrains people should be helped in turning adverse conditions to their advantage, rather than pursuing unviable dreams.

her life

The inception of Village Square

Village Square wants to bridge the gap between urban and rural India, taking inspiration from India’s founders, says Anish Kumar, Transform Rural India Foundation co-lead and a member of the Village Square inception team.

her life

Mahatma’s dream in a digital world

Can Gandhi’s idea of self-reliant villages work today? Using technology, villagers can discover markets for natural homemade products they can produce.