
Rural India is home of the original gig-economy worker. Enterprising villagers hop from tilling fields to tending shops, to door-to-door selling each day. Read the latest trends in micro-enterprises, rural start-ups and the shifting livelihoods of India’s villagers.

her life

Bengal farmers bear brunt of Assam poultry ban

Aftershocks of Assam’s bird flu-related ban continue to rattle the poultry industry in Bengal even after the withdrawal of curbs, resulting in severe losses for farmers.

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Panchkroshi – Maharashtra farmers harness the power of five

Maharashtra farmers are reviving the traditional concept of Panchkroshi, wherein five neighbouring villages come together, to boost sustainability in their drought-hit region.

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Women suffer as Kashmir garlic faces market blues

As the market for Kashmiri garlic records a slump for the fourth year in a row, growers have been pushed against the wall in the Valley’s villages.

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Bengal banana farmers bask in sunshine

Banana farmers in West Bengal’s Birbhum district conserve water and energy, utilising solar-powered pumps to extract groundwater and distribute it through the drip irrigation system.

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Unique homestays in Munsiari

Homestays in this Himalayan village serve as the base for nature and adventure tourists while offering a livelihood for the local people, especially women.

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Women’s organic farms mitigate Jharkhand’s migrant issue

Women farmers in Koteng Sera village of Jharkhand have embraced organic farming practices, breaking the cycle of labour migration, and securing nutritious f and income for their families.

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Kerala’s tribal farmers sow success with millets

After Kerala reintroduced millet cultivation among the indigenous communities of Attapadi taluk, the villagers enjoy better health and livelihood despite losing crops to wild animals.

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Papads and pickles empower women in Maharashtra

A women's self-help group in the quaint village of Peth in Palghar district of Maharashtra has transformed traditional culinary skills into entrepreneurial success.

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Kashmir’s cherry farmers battle nature’s fury


Despite the introduction of new varieties and advanced techniques, untimely rainfall has significantly impacted cherry growers in the Valley, affecting their crop after a harsh winter.