Rural India is home of the original gig-economy worker. Enterprising villagers hop from tilling fields to tending shops, to door-to-door selling each day. Read the latest trends in micro-enterprises, rural start-ups and the shifting livelihoods of India’s villagers.

Watermelons bring sweet success to women farmers
In remote villages lacking livelihood opportunities, never mind adequate transportation for taking produce to market, women successfully take up watermelon farming.

The silent revolution: The DAY of hope and promise
Leading development expert, Sanjiv Phansalkar, is in awe of Deen Dayal Upadhya Antyodaya Yojana - a social programme that’s impacted over 86 million households through over 8 million self-help groups of women.

Tangy food craze – appemidi mango pickles
A must-have condiment of coastal Karnataka - pickles made from small but fragrant appemidi mangoes are so popular and in high demand now that more farmers are growing the hardy mangoes.

Producers of sweet mangoes feel bitter about losses
With low flowering of trees and expected yield to be a small percentage of their normal production, mango farmers across Odisha feel the impact of climate change.

Rural youth turn to cool eco-tourism jobs in Chhattisgarh
Converted into an eco-tourism facility, the scenic spot near Kodar Dam in Chhattisgarh offers a perfect weekend get-away, while ensuring local employment for rural youth and better income.

Boom in Kashmir’s bloom business
Stuck at home in the pandemic, many Kashmiris became avid gardeners and are now turning their passion into a business by transforming their backyard patches into plant nurseries.

Black cardamom loses flavour among Kalimpong farmers
Farmers who considered black cardamom a golden crop are now shifting to other crops due to losses caused by plant diseases and their own reluctance to adopt modern farming practices.

“Beej Gram” scheme makes farming financially viable
Farmers benefit by distributing seeds produced from the high quality foundation seeds that the Government of Madhya Pradesh supplies at a subsidised rate.

“I drove taxis and lorries to feed my family”
When PG Deepamol’s husband became unwell, she had to drive cabs and lorries to support her family. Now she is Kerala’s first woman ambulance pilot and finds helping patients the most rewarding of all driving jobs. Read her story in her own words.