Rural India is home of the original gig-economy worker. Enterprising villagers hop from tilling fields to tending shops, to door-to-door selling each day. Read the latest trends in micro-enterprises, rural start-ups and the shifting livelihoods of India’s villagers.

Himachal government strives to boost seed production
Dependent on other states for seeds that are often unsuited for local conditions, Himachal Pradesh government has introduced a scheme to produce quality seeds locally

Eco-conscious Bishnois ensure good groundwater levels
Known for their tree-hugging environmentalism, Bishnois combine traditional knowledge and contemporary practices of agriculture to conserve groundwater.

To prevent crop raids, villagers throw seed balls in forests
To stop wild animals from attacking their crops, villagers of Uttarakhand are ensuring more fruit trees and plants are available to the animals within the forest

Traditional breeders conserve indigenous Dangi cattle
Combining traditional knowledge and technical support from scientists, breeders in Maharashtra conserve indigenous Dangi cattle known for their hardy nature

Haryana introduces crop diversification to prevent groundwater exploitation
Haryana’s groundwater extraction is much higher than the state’s annual extractable resources. Government encourages farmers to switch from water-intensive paddy to reduce depletion

Climate change disrupts livelihood of Kerala’s fishers
Extreme weather and cyclone alerts reducing the number of fishing days, besides dwindling fish catch, climate change is taking a toll on fishers’ livelihood

Rains and elephants compound farmers’ lockdown challenges
Incessant rains and wild elephants damaged water melons that cultivators could not sell during the lockdown. Organizations helped them reach buyers via social media

Committed efforts will create progressive villages
By working together with zeal, development organizations and governments can overcome inherent challenges in rural India and bring about a positive change

Ration sustains marginalized households through lockdown
Relief package of dry rations alleviated the hunger and food insecurity of informal wage workers who had lost their livelihood during the pandemic.