Rural India is home of the original gig-economy worker. Enterprising villagers hop from tilling fields to tending shops, to door-to-door selling each day. Read the latest trends in micro-enterprises, rural start-ups and the shifting livelihoods of India’s villagers.

Social entrepreneur improves rural livelihood opportunities
Quitting a lucrative job and taking up farming, engineer runs a farm-based enterprise, enabling women farmers to become rural entrepreneurs

Tribes hope to revive degenerated agriculture through development plan
Development eluded two remote Irula tribal villages in Western Ghats. Through Tribal Sub-Plan being implemented, they hope to revive agriculture that once kept them self-sufficient

Educated Dalits and Adivasis turn laborers during lockdown
With hard-earned and loan-funded professional and arts degrees, rural youth who lost their jobs during lockdown have taken up MGNREGS work in Bidar

Kadar tribes face repeated displacement for hydel power projects
For more than a century, Kerala’s forest-dwelling tribes have been repeatedly evicted for power projects. Faced with another displacement, the tribes refuse to give up their rights

Women weavers start successful eateries after job loss
When weaving became unsustainable, two enterprising women started selling idlis to patients and convalescents. Many women followed their footsteps, developing the area into a popular outsource hub

Farmers of Palghar protest against farm laws
In solidarity with protesting farmers in Delhi, men and women farmers of Maharashtra staged road blockades, demanding withdrawal of farm laws, and placed a charter of demands

Restoration of ponds leads to revival of agriculture
Despite good rainfall, lack of water retention led to farmers’ migration. Deepening of ponds to store rainwater has stopped migration and helped farmers grow crops across seasons

Students help revive traditional metal craft
Students with a passion for social entrepreneurship have helped traditional metal craftsmen to adapt to changing times with new designs, and explore new markets within the country and beyond

Women farmers leverage collective power to form producer company
Despite carrying out many farming activities, women lacked recognition. Coming together as a self-help group, they have found confidence to progress and use collective bargaining power to their advantage