Odisha government needs to intervene to mitigate migrant distress
For Odisha that is highly vulnerable to natural disasters, government needs to develop multiple strategies to ensure economic resilience of migrant households against unforeseen shocks
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown have
severely impacted migrant laborers from Odisha. It has not only thrown them out
of job, but has also pushed them into a long and winding road of uncertainty.
Given the long-lasting impact of the lockdown on the
Indian economy and the lives of the laborers, especially the migrants, their
post-lockdown behaviors have a pivotal role in reviving the village economy of
To understand the coping strategies of migrant laborers
from Odisha, Gram Vikas, in partnership with the Centre for Migration and
Inclusive Development (CMID) conducted a rapid assessment survey among them from
1 May to 4 May, 2020.
The survey revealed the vulnerability of the migrant
households and the need for migrants’ remittances to revive Odisha’s rural
economy. If the state government develops strategies and interventions, the
same can help migrants cope the lockdown as well as post-lockdown distress.
Lockdown survey
A total of 392 laborers who had migrated for work from
13 Community Development Blocks across Ganjam, Gajapati, Kalahandi, Kandhamal
and Nayagarh districts of Odisha were contacted over phone by a trained
research team who speak Odia.
The team members enquired the workers about their
current location, money at disposal, food and shelter. The team gathered information
about them if they were staying back at the destination site after lockdown and
whether they had a job and an accommodation.
Those who reported that they wished to return to
native places were enquired if they had registered at the portal by Government
of Odisha to return to the native place. They were also enquired about their
strategy to manage the household expenditure once they arrived home. Their
plans to return to workplace were also explored.
Migrants’ profile
The migrants were mostly young men with a median age
of 23 years, three-fourths of them being less than 30 years old. A little more
than 50% of the of laborers were Adivasis and nearly 20% belonged to Scheduled
Migrant workers at a construction site in Thrissur, Kerala (Photo by Jobin Chacko)
Those who were aware of the type of ration card said
that they belonged to priority households (PHH). About 11% reported that they
were currently in debt. Out of the migrant laborers who were currently
indebted, one in every three had a debt of over Rs 10,000.
About four-fifths had moved to the southern states. While
most of them continued to be at their workplaces with access to food and
shelter, seven weeks of lockdown had drained them financially and
psychologically. About 25% of them said that they did not have any money at
all. The median amount at disposal was Rs 1,900.
Mitigating distress
Three-fourths of the laborers planned to return to
native places once the lockdown is over. Only about one-fifth of those who
planned to return would be able to manage their expenses on their own once they
This points towards the fact that significant external
interventions are needed to ensure that the households in rural Odisha that
depend on migration do not experience a deepening of misery which might force
them to liquidate their minimal assets or borrow from moneylenders.
Such experience is likely to accentuate distress
migration in the post-lockdown scenario. Although most of the laborers plan to
return to their workplaces within three months of their arrival, their return would
depend on how COVID-19 unfolds in rural Odisha as well as in the destination
Hence, Odisha may have to prepare a medium-term
strategy for safeguarding the households that depend on migration. In the
context of the discussion above, the following recommendations are made towards
alleviating the problems of the stranded migrant workers and improving their
resilience post-lockdown:
Rural economy
It must be noted that nearly 25% of the stranded workers
do not have any money and about 7% of them were unable to have two meals a day.
Even if they wished to return to native places, the workers will have to buy
train tickets on their own.
Family of Barik Sabar, who migrated from Gajapati in Odisha to Andhra Pradesh to work as a construction laborer (Photo by Naina Lahoti)
Given their plight, similar to what other states with
high outmigration have done, Government of Odisha should take immediate
measures to transfer cash to the stranded migrant laborers. This can help the
stranded workers in the interim and also enable them to buy tickets for their
journey home.
The earliest re-entry of the migrant laborers into
livelihoods is important in reviving the rural economy through remittances.
Hence, the government should encourage the laborers to stay back and work if
non-exploitative livelihood opportunities are available where they are.
The government should facilitate tele-counseling to
stranded migrant workers and help them make logical decisions than emotionally
charged ones, as that would be strategic, given the course of the COVID-19
epidemic in the country.
Local development
It is time Odisha geared up its safe migration program
by providing livelihood alternatives beyond MGNREGS, that make migration for
work a choice than a desperation. Majority of those who currently move to other
states for work are likely to stay back and work locally if they are assured of
a livelihood opportunity that fetches a monthly income of around Rs 10,000.
Given the manner in which some states including Odisha
plan to suspend / modify select labor laws that safeguard the welfare of the
workers, the state needs to reimagine rural development within the state rather
than leaving the laborers vulnerable to exploitations elsewhere.
Government should encourage migrant workers who return
to their native villages and plan to find livelihood alternatives locally, to
invest in medium and long-term livelihood options. Banks, other financial
institutions and SHG networks should offer customized loan products with limited
collateral security, flexible repayment options and wherever possible, lower
rates of interest.
Skill development
Given the job market uncertainties, there is a high
likelihood of wage cuts and fluctuating demand for unskilled / semi-skilled
workers. The current break could be a good opportunity for the state to
formulate a comprehensive skill development strategy.
Women and men engaged in field bunding work as part of MGNREGS in Terangasi village in Kalahandi district of Odisha (Photo by Rufus Sunny)
The ongoing Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) schemes, that focus on placement-linked
skill training are not appropriate for these workers. Anecdotal evidence
reveals that such programs have negatively impacted the retention rates of
girls in schools in Odisha.
The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) needs to be
given a fillip, to acknowledge the experiences gained by the migrant laborers
in different sectors. This will benefit those who wish to find job options
locally and those who explore livelihood options in other states.
Dedicated interventions
In order to ensure the best wage rates and relatively
less exploitative working arrangements for the interstate laborers, Government
of Odisha may forge partnerships with destination states such as Kerala which
offers the best wages in India and relatively better social security measures
for migrant laborers.
Promote adaptive behaviors among migrant laborers so
that their remittances support investments for livelihood diversification than
consumption. This can substantially improve the resilience of the migrant
households so that the majority of them are able to manage on their own during
shocks. This is particularly strategic in the context of Odisha which is highly
vulnerable to natural disasters.
Liby Johnson is the executive director of Gram Vikas. Benoy Peter, an expert on internal migration in India, is the executive director
of Centre for Migration and Inclusive Development. Peter has a Ph.D. in
Population Sciences. Views are personal.