Get your photograph featured on Village Square homepage

Attention all photographers – show us rural India through your lens and get featured on our homepage under our exciting Photo of the Day strand. Click here to send in your photo entries.

Are you a photographer who loves rural India and its colours, beauty and diversity as much as we do? 

Do you have photos capturing ordinary and exciting moments of rural life? 

Then share with us your photos of rural India and get a chance to be featured on the Village Square homepage under our new Photo of the Day strand. 

A family shares a light moment together as children are taught by their grandmother (Photo by Surit Datta)

So far you have exceeded our expectations with your incredible photos for our earlier initiatives. Be it the two editions of the Village Vibe photo competition or the ‘Photo of the Month’ contest – you have blessed us with 4000+ eye-catching, dramatic and distinctive photographs. 

But we want more as we continue to showcase rural India through your lens.

Village Vibe photo competitions – 2021 and 2022

We received thousands of entries across 11 categories for the two editions of Village Vibe photo competition. 

While the 2021 edition focused on themes such as ‘Healthy Living,’ ‘Joyful Learning’ and ‘Her Life,’ in the 2022 edition the focus was on how rural India relaxes and enjoys its break time.

You showed us rural India in their fun and chill modes. Your stunning pictures tell stories of festivals, food, sports and cultures from rural India too often ignored or overlooked.

A tribesman in Kisama, Nagaland clicks a selfie on his smartphone while preparing to dance with his tribe (Photo by AV Ranganadham)

Both years the winning pictures were displayed for visitors at the India Habitat Centre (IHC) and the Sunder Nursery in Delhi. The Delhiites who saw the exhibit – either deliberately or just passing – said the images made them pause and reflect how rural India lives, learns, celebrates and toils. 

See our virtual tour of the exhibit here: 

“I feel a connection with the villages through these pictures as they remind me of my childhood,” said a Delhi resident who visited the 2021 exhibition at the IHC. 

Photo of the Month

We were delighted to see hundreds of entries pour in from across the country, especially from tier two, non-metro towns for our ‘Photo of the Month’ series. 

Between March and October 2022 we had seven ‘Photo of the Month’ shortlists, each more artistic and rich than the other.

During the Durga Puja, a statue of Maa Durga is being taken to a body of water for idol immersion in West Bengal (Photo by Soumayan Biswas)

The powerful, jaw-dropping images of rural India were also instant hits on Instagram.

Now that we know what India’s vast photo community is capable of, help us tell more powerful, untold stories of ordinary rural Indians everyday.

Click here to send in your photo entries. Include a brief and snappy anecdote or caption with each submitted photo, as well as where and when the picture was taken.

The lead image shows kids in West Bengal playing with their friends (Photo by Shibashish Saha)