cold storage

her life

IIT alumni create Mobile Subjee Cooler to cut post-harvest losses

The Mobile Subjee Cooler is an efficient, eco-friendly and affordable solution to reduce post-harvest losses. The innovation, incubated by RuTAG at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, is empowering the farming community.

her life

Cold storage units running on pico hydropower help farmers earn more

With limited transportation and no cold storage facilities, farmers in Himalayan states sell their produce at the local market for a low price. Cold storage units powered by pico hydropower offer a cost-effective solution.

her life

A low-power cold storage solution to help farmers

This Purdue and IIT Kharagpur alumnus has won the Union government’s Prajjwala Challenge for a unique cold storage model he has created to help Indian farmers. He talks to Village Square about the innovation.