
her life

My name is Shoaib & I am a trans woman

Harassed by family, Shoaib Khan, shut hurtful words out and focussed on breaking transgender stereotypes. After becoming a woman, she chose to retain her male name. Shoaib works at an IT company and hopes for society to become more inclusive.

her life

Musahars denied healthcare because they are considered untouchables

The despicable practice of untouchability in Varanasi district is keeping the musahar community from accessing state healthcare facilities, and the situation is changing too slowly despite grassroots activism

her life

Custom of child marriages must be fought on multiple fronts

There is no silver bullet to defeat the scourge of underage marriages. Rather, it is important to extend the scope of current interventions among adolescents and the communities they grow up in, which then need to be backed up by suitable government policies