
Mandla makeover – How MP’s cyber crime hub became a literacy model
When 4,500 volunteers set out to transform Mandla in 2020, it was notorious for its low literacy rates and cyber fraud. It then became the first district in Madhya Pradesh to achieve 100 percent functional literacy.

Jharkhand villagers waiting to see ‘light’
Residents of three hamlets in Jharkhand continue to live in darkness as electricity supply is yet to reach them. Lack of hospitals and schools in the vicinity adds to their woes.

How interactive audio helped migrants during lockdown
An existing interactive voice response system was refashioned, enabling migrant workers in destination cities get messages regarding their circumstances across, subsequently facilitating their return

अविकसित क्षेत्रों के विकास की बाधा – कुशल पेशेवरों का अभाव!
भारत के बेहद अविकसित मध्य और पूर्वी पहाड़ी आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में सेवाएँ प्रदान करने वाले अध्यापक और स्वास्थ्य-कर्मियों जैसे जमीनी-स्तर के कुशल पेशेवर बहुत कम हैं। यह एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिसका कोई आसान समाधान भी नहीं है।

Lack of skilled professionals hamstring underdeveloped regions
The severely underdeveloped central and eastern hilly tribal belt in India is poorly served by skilled grassroots professionals such as teachers and paramedics, a problem that has no easy solutions

The grey and grim hues of rural India
In travelling to the less fortunate parts of the countryside, it is difficult to come to terms with the stark poverty, squalid living conditions and bleak prospects of the young living in the neglected parts of our country

Dry land distress drives people to break stones in quarries
A lack of livelihood opportunities is compelling villagers of Vidisha district in Madhya Pradesh to take up jobs in local stone quarries, where unregulated work conditions are often extremely hazardous for their health

Community resource persons are torchbearers of a resurgent countryside
The silent revolution of community resource persons fanning out across the country in the past few years to deliver last-mile services needs to be strengthened to bridge the divide between shining and deprived India

Murshidabad children set example in local governance
Children in remote parts of Murshidabad district in West Bengal are taking an active role in community governance that not only lets them tackle social ills at a tender age but also nurtures them as future community leaders

Wild animals spoil farmers’ hard work in Darjeeling
Crop depredation by wildlife is one of the biggest problems facing the livelihood security of many farmers in Darjeeling, with most of them losing up to 40% of their crop every year

Living with the clockwork floods of Barak River
The state seems to be indifferent to the plight of the large number of people settled in the Barak Valley in southern Assam, and they are left to fend for themselves when the river routinely floods its banks every monsoon

Bodoland families smart under ravages of climate and conflict
A combination of ethnic conflict and climate change has pushed thousands of distressed families in western Assam towards a precarious existence