menstrual health

‘Padman of Kolhan’ goes the extra mile for menstrual health
Tarun Kumar has earned the epithet ‘Padman of Kolhan’ thanks to his initiative of distributing sanitary napkins to young girls in schools and spreading awareness about menstrual health and child marriage in Jharkhand.

Fostering menstrual health and women’s empowerment in rural India
Providing education, affordable products and fostering a supportive environment can go a long way to empower women and girls, and break taboos around menstrual health.

Bengal teens fight for safer menstrual waste disposal
A group of young women in rural Bengal is redefining empowerment by challenging stigma surrounding menstruation, paving the way for a more inclusive and enlightened society.

Pad perfect – championing menstrual hygiene
Two humble initiatives in Odisha and Jammu and Kashmir are making a difference in the lives of thousands of rural women by providing them easy access to sanitary napkins.

Uninhibited menstruation talk on “Hello Saathi” helpline
Want to have an uninhibited talk about menstruation? Try the “Hello Saathi” helpline, a game-changing scheme from the menstrual health group Uninhibited helping 150,000 people in less than two years, as two of its practitioners report.

Village girls shed fear and shame about menstruation
Through a health initiative that demystifies menstruation by using games and stories, schoolgirls in rural Jharkhand are learning about menstrual health and the importance of nutrition