menstrual hygiene

Empowering rural women, one sustainable pad at a time
Through her biodegradable sanitary pads brand Apna Green, Aruna Dara has started a movement for underprivileged women. She talks about her journey and emerging as one of the five winners of the Union government’s Prajjwala Challenge.

Bengal teens fight for safer menstrual waste disposal
A group of young women in rural Bengal is redefining empowerment by challenging stigma surrounding menstruation, paving the way for a more inclusive and enlightened society.

Student initiative promotes green period products
Bleed Green, an initiative of the students of VidyaGyan school, aims to create awareness about the menstrual cup, an eco-friendly hygiene product for women.

Kotwalia women break menstruation taboo
If lack of water forced Kotwalia women to relieve themselves in the open, their ingrained mindset made menstruation taboo. With toilets and sanitation training, they now follow good menstrual hygiene.

Pad perfect – championing menstrual hygiene
Two humble initiatives in Odisha and Jammu and Kashmir are making a difference in the lives of thousands of rural women by providing them easy access to sanitary napkins.

Community bathrooms help women bathe in privacy
For most women in Bengal’s villages, a bath is a hurried dip in ponds while fully clothed to avoid the unwelcome male gaze. Community bathrooms enable them bathe in private and maintain better hygiene

Village girls shed fear and shame about menstruation
Through a health initiative that demystifies menstruation by using games and stories, schoolgirls in rural Jharkhand are learning about menstrual health and the importance of nutrition

Pad women of Assam start menstrual hygiene movement
Young women have brought about a change in the mindset of rural men and women in Assam about menstrual hygiene and steered the women towards better hygiene with reusable cloth pads