migrant workers

Women’s organic farms mitigate Jharkhand’s migrant issue
Women farmers in Koteng Sera village of Jharkhand have embraced organic farming practices, breaking the cycle of labour migration, and securing nutritious f and income for their families.

Uncertainty clouds future of returned migrant youth
Panna’s rural youth migrated with the hope that their remittances would promote progress. Back after the lockdown and with no local work, they are unsure of their future

Odisha government needs to intervene to mitigate migrant distress
For Odisha that is highly vulnerable to natural disasters, government needs to develop multiple strategies to ensure economic resilience of migrant households against unforeseen shocks

Multiple post-pandemic measures will stabilize farm economy
Farm sector faces challenges of workforce shortage and disrupted supply chain. Multiple measures by government can stabilize farm economy and sustain everyone in food production

After lockdown distress, villagers are unwilling to migrate again
Having suffered during the lockdown, villagers do not wish to migrate again to cities for work. This would impact the rural as well as urban economy

Urgent government intervention needed for migrants in transit
With the countrywide lockdown to arrest spread of COVID-19, migrant workers who started returning home from destination sites are caught in borders with scant amenities. Government needs to intervene to ensure safe passage

स्थानीय आजीविकाओं से शोषणकारी श्रम-तस्करी पर लगा अंकुश
गरीब ग्रामीणों को बंधुआ प्रवासी मजदूर बनने से रोकने के लिए, ओडिशा सरकार को, बिचौलियों से मुक्ति और बेहतर मजदूरी के साथ ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी कार्यक्रम सम्बंधी नए प्रयासों को मजबूत बनाना होगा।

Local livelihoods curb exploitative labor trafficking
To stop poor villagers from becoming bonded migrant labor, the Odisha government needs to strengthen latest steps to cut out middlemen and boost the rural jobs guarantee program with higher wages

Migrant children get a shot at continuing education
A scheme by the Odisha government has enabled children of migrant workers to continue their education at destination sites, preventing child labor and ensuring continuity in education

Odisha’s seasonal hostels help curb child migration and child labor
Poor villagers in Odisha’s migration-prone districts, who toil at brick kilns in the southern states for most part of the year, have found some succor in seasonal hostels that educate and nourish their children in a safe haven

Declining catch forces Chilika fishers to become migrant laborers
A significant fall in fish stock due to environmental and human made reasons, combined with stringent laws aimed at restoration of the Chilika Lake, has forced local fishermen to migrate seasonally in search of work

Plight of migrant workers needs attention in Himachal Pradesh
Migrant workers, who contribute significantly to infrastructure development in the developed mountain state, need to be provided with better working and living conditions through friendly government policies