self-help groups

Bihar’s Jeevika programme helps rural women rise from despair to dignity
In rural Bihar, the Jeevika programme, led by the Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society and supported by the World Bank, is empowering women from marginalised communities by providing financial support and livelihood opportunities.

A digital platform to connect rural buyers and sellers, a multilingual web-portal developed by IIT Bombay and Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), is transforming business in the agricultural sector by bringing together over 30,000 entrepreneurs, FPOs and self-help groups to buy and sell products.

Tharu women revive their craft towards financial freedom
Crafting everyday items from grass was a way of life for the Tharu community of the Terai region till modernisation took its toll on their traditional craft. Now the Tharu women are reviving their craft, earning money in the process.

Self-help groups – learning from the roots
While the reasons that motivate women to join self-help groups are the same, developing each group through a facilitative process instead of on a pre-conceived concept works better.

She sowed seeds of a grain bank to feed the poor
The sight of marginalised families struggling to have regular, nutritious meals prompted Urmilaben Vasava of Bedada village in Gujarat to start a grain bank.

For women in Ayodhya, becoming micro-entrepreneurs is not just about money
Coming together as collectives and running micro enterprises help rural women not only earn more and provide better for their family but also become more confident decision makers.

Self-help groups effect social change in villages
Freeing themselves from the restraints of veils, rural women have become empowered to make financial contributions to the household and raise their voice for village needs

Dairy cooperative leads to empowerment of women
Women who were confined to their homes became dairy farmers as SHG members, subsequently forming a self-reliant cooperative. It has resulted in empowering them socially and financially

Women unite to address problems and transform their village
Under an umbrella village organization, members of women self-help groups address common problems in their village, including a stand-off against a mining company