Solar Pumps
What ails solar powered irrigation in rural areas?
Solar powered irrigation can help small farmers grow crops during dry season and increase their incomes but the implementation of poor-friendly innovations is beset with behavioural, economic, technical and policy-related challenges.
Sun comes to the aid of poor farmers
Solar power irrigation has emerged as a sustainable solution for the rural poor farmers but several technical, social and organisational challenges need to be tackled to ensure a wider reach.
Solar “pumps” up incomes
How can farmers produce the food we eat without stable electricity for irrigation? By switching to solar-powered pumps, farmers become self-reliant and fruitful.
How to revitalize agriculture in India
The government needs to aggressively promote micro-irrigation and small-scale farm mechanization to improve agricultural productivity. It should also connect farmers with markets using latest technological tools
Solar pumps brighten lives of Kutch’s salt farmers
Agariyas, the traditional saltpan workers in the Little Rann of Kutch, have switched from diesel to ecofriendly solar-powered pumps to lift brine that have boosted their earnings from saved costs
Strengthening grassroots in Gaya for self-sustenance
By popularizing the system of root intensification and introducing sustainable agricultural practices, Anil Verma has brought a positive change in the lives of marginalized farmers in Gaya
Solar pumps bring relief to smallholder farmers in Rayagada
Using small solar-powered pumps to irrigate vegetable gardens could transform lives of tribal farmers in Rayagada district of Odisha by boosting farm incomes and stopping seasonal migration to faraway places