traditional crops

her life

Maharashtra’s fiery Bhiwapuri chilli faces extinction

Bhiwapuri chilli, known for its bright red colour, intense heat and cultural significance, is teetering on brink as farmers face low yields and turn towards growing hybrid varieties.

her life

Ills of eucalyptus drive Odisha tribals back to legacy crops

In southern Odisha farmers are switching from water-guzzling eucalyptus trees to diversified farming of traditional crops to boost soil fertility, crop yield, household income and dietary diversity.

her life

Seed guardians of Banswara revive traditional varieties

Village women in Banswara district of Rajasthan are setting an example as organic farmers by adopting and spreading awareness to revive indigenous varieties of crops that boost nutritional security

her life

Maharashtra’s tribal farmers revive traditional crops

Recognizing the significance of traditional crop varieties that can withstand climate-related vagaries and offer nutrition security, tribal farmers have started to conserve and propagate local cultivars