village governance

अविकसित क्षेत्रों के विकास की बाधा – कुशल पेशेवरों का अभाव!
भारत के बेहद अविकसित मध्य और पूर्वी पहाड़ी आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में सेवाएँ प्रदान करने वाले अध्यापक और स्वास्थ्य-कर्मियों जैसे जमीनी-स्तर के कुशल पेशेवर बहुत कम हैं। यह एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिसका कोई आसान समाधान भी नहीं है।

Adivasis in Rajasthan demand better local governance
Villagers, especially women, are questioning panchayat institutions being used as tools to push government agenda that do not necessarily align with their needs, and want better local governance

Lack of skilled professionals hamstring underdeveloped regions
The severely underdeveloped central and eastern hilly tribal belt in India is poorly served by skilled grassroots professionals such as teachers and paramedics, a problem that has no easy solutions

Only neglected India lives in the villages
On Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, a look at rural India shows that we have fallen much behind his ideal of self-reliant village republics, in part because of changed aspirations of modern times

More attention needed on community mobilizers
Rural development programs often take community mobilization for granted, and those who dedicate themselves to this difficult task are ignored or neglected. This needs to change