Village Vibe

Village Vibe celebrates the art, culture and festivals of India’s village life. Urbanites aren’t the only ones who become social media stars, produce stunning art, enjoy food fads or follow fitness crazes. And as for festivals, there’s a totally different vibe in the villages.

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Lip-smacking tribal cuisines help women make a living

A tribal festival in Jharkhand popularises authentic tribal cuisine, ensuring traditional recipes are preserved and helping tribal women explore opportunities to make money serving their unique fare.

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August-Photo of the Month

For the August edition of Photo of the Month we received over 170 stunning pictures from across India. These photos give us a stunning glimpse into rural India's diverse chores and recreational activities. Here are the amazing shortlisted photos for Photo of the Month - August.

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Stresses and dreams from India’s youth

Hear the stark differences between rural and urban youth about their hopes and dreams, worries and challenges, on International Youth Day.

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Goa’s villagers struggle with fewer tourists

As if the COVID pandemic weren’t bad enough, the Russian war deals a harder blow to Goa’s tourism, forcing tourism-dependent villagers to find new means of income.

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International Friendship Day – Bridging the gap of language

What is friendship? Can it be only between humans? On International Friendship Day – the theme this year being bridging the gap between race, language and culture – we showcase the unique bond between humans and animals which is a true example of a reciprocated relation called friendship. These pictures show friendship as a different language between humans and animals.

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July – Photo of the Month

We continue to get more beautiful, jaw-dropping pictures of rural India, courtesy our remarkable photo community. Have a look at these amazing shortlisted photos for Photo of the Month - July.

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Being LGBTQ in rural India

What does being LGBTQ mean in rural India and what are the legal strangleholds that make LGBTQ life a challenge in small town India? We take a look at Village Square in celebration of Pride Day.

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The tale and telling of queerness in Bengal’s Bhadu songs

When queerness was criminalised in the 19th century, queer-trans people took refuge in the Bhadu folklore that saw them as goddess-incarnates and also gave them visibility.

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Photo call-out – send us your plastic pollution pictures

Send us your pictures on why India's July 1 single-use plastic ban is important - show us what plastic waste is doing to rural India!